Tuesday, March 15, 2011

This poster propaganda was made after the soviets invaded Poland. In the poster, a desperate Polish Man is kissing a Russian Soldier who has saved him. At the top of the poster is a Russian text that translates into " Our Army is an army that liberate workers."

By the man's facial expression you can tell that the man is very thankful and compassionate for the Soldiers's work. This shows the contrast in today how someone would view this as gay rather then a man showing gratitude.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Soviet Propaganda


This is a link to a soviet propaganda poster that really struck me because of the coloring and the lighting. The poster is of a man looking heroic in front of the sickle and axe symbol for communism. I think that the use of red and illuminating white makes this picture really stand out and it emphasizes the heroic aspect of the man in front of the symbol.

I like this poster because it doesn't seem like a typical political poster. It has many bright and happy colors, and it just looks like something that you would see in a regular art gallery or something. I like how the faces are too, they look like they are in negative or something. it is very pretty and eye catching, and it sends a message at the same time which is a nice job.


Soviet Propaganda Poster -- "Let's accomplish the plan of great deeds!"

This poster, from 1930, is especially powerful, even though it has a fairly simple layout. A red
background is used to symbolize communism, while the repeated image of hands conveys unity in accomplishing such a "plan of great deeds" - communism. This poster says a lot about how the Soviet government wanted to run its union, using only a few words and simlple images.
-- Ella

Friday, March 11, 2011

Petrograd (St. Petersburg) Zoo

Soviet posters were not all about factories and fighting the bourgeois. This funky poster goes on to explain in some detail all the fine facilities of the Petrograd (St. Petersburg) Zoo. The Zoo has received a lot of new animals in 1930.


Thursday, March 10, 2011

Poster Art


Poster Art

This poster is so funny! It shows how the comunist intimidates the people into doing what they want. 

This site shows Che Guevara as a hero and the different aspects of how he represents Cuba and the different ways Cuba is a great power, exhibited through the bright colors streaming out from him. Him being the source shows how he is the best thing to happen to Cuba and this is a very powerful piece of art.


Cuban Film Poster

This one caught my attention because there these two little girls holding guns towards a big man. It's like they have a greater effect on the man than the regular person would think the other way around. I Googled translated the writing on the man's chest and it states:  the Great St. Trinian's Train Robbery. The only thing that interests me is why are there two little girls robbing a big man?



This is a link for one of the poster art posters that really caught my eye because it showed a really dominant picture of Stalin. Stalin ruled Russia for a really long time and he had a lot of power over the Russian people.


Soviet Political Art at Bell Gallery and John Hay Library

Soviet Political Art at Bell Gallery and John Hay Library

The reason I decided to send this photo is because I found it creative. It shows how the allies finally got a hold of the situation and that Hitler can no longer breath. Without breathing he does not have any more resources of life.


Cantor Center’s 'Revolutionary Tides' examines the language of political posters

Cantor Center’s 'Revolutionary Tides' examines the language of political posters

The 1931 Soviet political poster caught my attention not only because it contains various messages, but because of the colors used.
The colors are limited to yellow, red,  and a greenish, moss color, but they are put together in such a way that it actually looks good.

This poster just looked so inspirational. the children look so happy to be playing with their plane and also to see real planes flying in the air. Everything in the poster just looks so light and real.

Thursday, July 12, 2007  A Soviet Poster a Day

I thought this poster just looked so interesting. the way that the hammers all move in unison which i think symbolizes the unity of the workers. the bright colors against the black backdrop makes this poster stand out.


Cuban and Soviet poster history

Cuban Poster Art

This is the first site I found. I though it was a good one because it explains the roots and history of the cuban posters, the role and impact political posters had on Cuba and around the world.

This website provide us with all the political posters from the Soviet Union period. 

Poster by Cuban artist José Gómez Fresquet (Frémez), circa 1970.

Image: cwluherstory.com

I thought this poster was just so intriguing. the way that the color red was used as something to make someone feel pretty but also as blood in the same picture was something i've never seen before. The way the artist used the colors to show opposites was very special. - Amanda